Friday 30 December 2016

Connect Your Dots : Wrecking Ball - Enter the New Year Clean and Free

Connect Your Dots : Wrecking Ball - Enter the New Year Clean and Free: Life is dynamic, we are at the end of a year and a new one is set to begin.  Take the time to weed out all destructive behaviou...

Wrecking Ball - Enter the New Year Clean and Free

Life is dynamic, we are at the end of a year and a new one is set to begin.  Take the time to weed out all destructive behaviour and people out of your life.  No more self sabotage, no more stagnation, no more delay.  

Friday 16 September 2016

Connect Your Dots : Standing up for ME

Connect Your Dots : Standing up for ME: Real Growth takes place at rock bottom, ground zero; this is the point of self talk or self pity.  At this point a decision must be made...

Standing up for ME

Real Growth takes place at rock bottom, ground zero; this is the point of self talk or self pity.  At this point a decision must be made whether you will continue to go through it or you will be motivated to grow through it.

It is a moment of decision whether you will be stronger because of it, or you will be broken and unable to recover because of it.  It is important to stand up for yourself, claim the happiness that abounds, and claim the positive energy and passion that exist to realize your dreams.

It is important to not be afraid of the challenges, not be afraid of the darkness, it matters not how bad it gets, it matters how well you recover from your situations. There must be a commitment to grow,  a commitment to move from your current situation.

There must be a commitment to be stronger you.

Have patience and engage in consistent actions to improve yourself.  It is not easy, but it can happen.

Friday 22 January 2016

Connect Your Dots : Happiness is the Now, Part 2

Connect Your Dots : Happiness is the Now, Part 2: If you had asked me what is happiness years ago, I would have answered with a list of tangible, material objects, funny life has evolved a...

Happiness is the Now, Part 2

If you had asked me what is happiness years ago, I would have answered with a list of tangible, material objects, funny life has evolved and I am asking that same question now to myself and the responses are pretty simple.

After losing three close relatives to cancer, I am realizing happiness is being alive and in good health, spending that time with family; happiness is the accomplishment you feel when you look at your life and even if there are regrets, it is enough to say and be contented with the journey of life.
Happiness is that contentment when you are driving and you know there is no gas in the car and you are at a point when you can’t even buy gas, but that’s ok, because you are happy that this state is temporary and will resolve itself very soon.  

Happiness is speaking to a room full of students and you are inspiring them to be greater than themselves and to achieve and dream big, yet in your mind your figuring out how to pay your next bill.  It is that happiness that comes from self; realizing that you were born for a divine purpose and though the challenges are real, you too are destined for greatness.

Happiness is the journey that has gotten me to the now.  It is overcoming the challenges of being a single mother,   Happiness is most definitely the now.  Happiness is in the moment of now, happiness is crying in the shower for three hours because you realized you have come so far in this journey call life.
With that said let’s explore my six points to unleash inner happiness.

1.       Family: We all need the feeling of belonging, whether it is to be a parent or to be nurtured by one.  Great family bond and ties offer the sense of being relevant.  Your family unlike friends, they will remain.  Family teaches compromise and love regardless.

2.       Love: We cannot exist in a world without love, like hate there’s a place for everything.  Love offers that cushion, when everything seems wrong with the world.  To love shamelessly and to give love willingly is truly rewarding.

3.       Career:  Invest in your dreams, find and pursue your passion; people who are driven and focus and are happy with work and career choices are often happy people, they are not disgruntle with their current employment and wake with a grudge to work.  They are bright and well balanced.

4.       Spirituality/Religion:  This surely is a personal topic like politics, it is a personal decision.  I do however find that persons who believe in something greater than themselves in a balance way are often more amicable and happy people.  They accentuate the positives and rarely dwell on the negatives.

5.       Friends: To be loved and accepted by our friends can be satisfying, it offers that peer acceptance that secretly we all want.  Positive and encouraging friends can make the journey to happiness and self discovery a pleasant one.

6.       Yourself: This is where the true investment lies, one can never over invest in self, spend time with self, nurture it, love it and encourage it.  Once self is appreciated, loving others becomes easier, once self is appreciated then appreciation of others becomes an easy task.  Find your personal style and brand and improve on it, recreate and transform yourself, take an inventory of self and discard the attitudes and belief that no longer serve to grow you.

Each point offers a unique perspective; there are no one right route to happiness, happiness is a process and a personal journey.

Saturday 9 January 2016

Connect Your Dots : The Challenge

Connect Your Dots : The Challenge: Some people are damaged or broken and some are simply mean.  No matter how much energy we expel trying to love, honour and respect their jo...